Thursday, December 21, 2006

The ONE : Hope or Illusion :

Is it true that there is just one person for each of us? Only one person who is just right for you in all sort of ways, only with whom you can be at your best and happiest, and without them you can’t be as happy even if everything SEEMED right and convenient.
Yes, it’s a dreamy sentimental thought but is it that unrealistic? I mean each of us has these requirements or needs for the perfect partner, well the law of odds confirms that with the huge number of people living on the planet, there is a very good possibility that these requirements could pile up in someone somewhere sometime.
So I guess the real problem is the chances to meet such a person, in another word, the possibilities of your life course crossing his/hers.

So it depends much – if not totally – on destiny, whether we are meant to meet that special someone who can turn our whole life around or not.
Theoretically it’s not impossible, it just depends on variables that are totally out of hands – such as luck, chance, fate ...... that sort of things.
Unfortunately there is absolutely nothing to do about it but wait, wait and wait some more !!

Some people think that this is not wise - I even heard it called stupid sometimes - , for them a good enough person will do , or as the cynical line says :

While I’m waiting for the right one, the wrong ones will do just fine “ !!
They say you are just risking to waste your life waiting or chasing an illusion.
But isn’t life simply too precious to be wasted on just SOMEONE? Wouldn’t a moment with the ONE - that dear special someone you only dream of and never seem to find - or - even the hope to get it – be worthy of all the waiting?

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Another set of questions :

Exactly how essential is it to have a love life? Sometimes it seems so critical and vital; it’s an undeniable emotional and social necessity but does this mean we should just settle for a convenient person? Don’t we really have to wait for the ONE?

Conservatively speaking; the whole ONE concept is ridiculously naive and dreamy. According to that point of view a CONVENIENT partner is more than enough.In another word; we should settle for anyone who is compatible in terms of socially, mentally, age and education wise, acceptable appearance, suitable financials .. etc. And that should be an excellent match !!
As if this was enough to generate love !! I think it wouldn’t …. Yes it could arise content, satisfaction, maybe sort of affection but actual love .... sorry, I don't think so.
Wouldn’t it be better to stay single till the right one comes along instead of accepting just what’s there?

So is it really that important to have a partner just to satisfy the social aspect and forget about the – so called – naive dreams of true love and only one right person for each of us?

But is the ONE actually out there ???
Well, that needs a separate new entry.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Day Two :

Another weird question ; what if certain events keep occurring in your life? Why do you always seem to attract a certain type of persons over and over again?
Does it indicate that what's really wrong is who/how we are? that if we wanted to sense the change we should create it ? or that maybe - just maybe - we're not wrong at all, we're just different than the rest of people !!
Maybe if we changed who we are we might as well encounter different kinds of people and events but will we still keep our identity or will we be totally lost and scattered??

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Day One :

Life is Weird ...
I guess each and everyone of us say that to themselves at least once ..
I just think I do that more often - Say it to myself I mean.
sometimes life offers you something that you do not actually want, and while it's there you hardly even like it .... and when it's finally gone, you still don't like it or think it's nearly good for you ... but can anybody tell me why the hell you kind of, sort of .... miss having it ???