Saturday, February 10, 2007

The pursuit of Happiness :

What ever happened to us?
Did you guys ever notice that nobody around fights for their dreams anymore? They give up so dame easily on things they are completely sure they want – and need – with all their hearts .. !!
And even though; they just let go on the first turn of the road, to the first obstacle they face ..
And what’s sadder is that those quitters are usually the best to assure you they’re fighters by nature , that they never give up or surrender .. bla, bla, bla ….

Well, for one; that should teach you that actions speak louder than words, and that those who act has no time or will to talk and vice versa ..
But don’t you agree it’s pathetic …?

What would be more worthy of fighting for than a dream you’ve always chased? Why would you give it up - without putting up a real fight - when you finally get it?
Just keep in mind that when you do so, you’ve only got yourself to blame for your weakness and shallowness … and for the dreams you – not only wasted for yourself – but maybe ruined for others as well ….
And that leading the rest of your life afterwards to be simply hollow and miserable is only your own creation ….

" Only dead fish go with the flow. However, you’re not a fish. "

- Jae Yoon -

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