Monday, March 05, 2007

Be an angel and forgive .. !!

Why the hell should I do that ????

Forgiving someone for a huge mistake doesn’t necessarily make you an angel, in most cases it would simply indicate that you’re a fool who deserves to be hurt allover again.
This is not cruelty people, it’s just that the mistakes we make revile our characters .. So they’re not always “ mistakes “ they’re usually “ patterns of life “ …
In other words; lying, quitting, weakness, negativity …. And so many other flaws; are not to be considered just mistakes that could be forgiven and put behind.
Let it go once and it will repeat over and over again.

And there is also one additional undeniable fact; after a while our old sufferings of / with someone due to their – so called - mistakes don’t seem that bad any more in our minds .. They mix up with the good moments that we lived then. And suddenly we start to feel the longing for those rare nice moments and we're so darned open to forget and forgive !
And “ hope “ that the problems won’t repeat … but they surely will and that’s a fact I hope I’m smart enough to keep in mind.

" The past always looks better than it actually was. It only seems pleasant now because it isn't here anymore "
- Peter Dunne -

1 comment:

benza said...

It seems some people always repeat the same mistake all over again ... wherever they go, they brush people on the wrong side ... its a habit with them ... they cannot help themselves ... knowing that, I forgive, to ease my heart ... forget? no never ... always avoid them and am an angel!
You are right ... they never change!!