Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Time heals all ...

Does time really heal wounds or is that just another cliché?
Well, the truth is scars never actually disappear, but they do get better with time, as days go by they gradually hurt less …. Sure it would still ache every once and a while, but the pain will certainly not be that severe burning it used to feel, it will change form, it will turn to a distant memory that taught you something once.
After all if it weren’t for trials and errors, how would we ever learn anything ?

A Wiseman once said : “ Be thankful for your mistakes; for no matter how bad they hurt, still they've taught you valuable lessons

1 comment:

benza said...

Shakespeare : Sweet are the adversities of life.
We need not accept it just because he said it. Likewise, all advices.
But in some people, we can see misfortune following them whatever they do or touch. And in others with all their villainy they are blessed with good luck in all aspects of their life.
This shows life is a mixture of varied situations.
A love break is a good thing, for it has saved one from living with a devil and face a worse separation later.
Thats my point.